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Stewart Falls

If you want a shorter, family and dog friendly, trail - This is one of the best you'll find!

Just north of Sundance Resort on the Alpine Loop Rd., is the southern entrance gate to American Fork Canyon.

Shortly after the fee gate ($6 for a 3 day pass or FREE for those with National Park Passes), you will find the Aspen Grove Parking area. This is the same parking lot you would use if you were going to hike the Trail to the summit of Mt. Timp. Behind the restrooms you'll find the trailhead marker for Stewart Falls. If you want to give an out-of-state traveler an easy taste of Wasatch Mountains, this is the trail.

Distance/Elevation gain: 4.2 miles out and back, but seems shorter. I say this even after carry a 50 lb child 1/4 out and the whole way back (due to a blister on his heel). The gradual elevation change of 984 ft makes this hike much easier than many other local hikes of the same length.

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